Sunday, December 6, 2009

The next step

God kept bugging me through friends, family and even campers who came to Cross Roads that I need to write down all the things He was doing through me to get the camp built.   I started a thousand times, kicking myself that I hadn't kept a journal, like so many had suggested I do.  Then one day my husband came home with several copies of a book that a friend of his had written.  Through that friend, God introduced me to Chris Rogers, a gifted and  published author, who patiently  led me step by step through the writing process.   And believe me it IS a process!

The next step was publication.  But few publishers accept manuscripts from unpublished authors. Go figure.   On top of that I was writing in an unusual genre.... true life Christian testimonials.      I was stymied again, like so many times before.   Then  I received a mass e-mail from Emmaus International,  an Upper Room Ministry of the United Methodist Church  General Board Of Discipleship.   It seems the focus for Emmaus in 2010 is going to be Fourth Day experiences and they were soliciting Fourth Day stories and boy do I have one!!!!

I called immediately and told them I have a story, but it's to big for their newsletter, it's a book.   They gave me the name of the Editor at Upper Room Publishing and told me to submit my book proposal to her.  That she would be looking for it.  Praise God!

It has been in their review committee for  126 days now.  I am told this is a good sign.  I am asking for your prayers that God's will be accomplished and this story, the story of what God can do even through the most unlikely and unworthy of people, will get out to a world needing to hear that hope.

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