Monday, March 8, 2010

The Walk To Emmaus

Excerpt from Chapter 7 – Stand At The Cross Roads:  And so I did. And he was right, there’s no way to explain the enormous impact Emmaus had on my life. Yes, it’s a retreat for spiritual renewal, but it’s so much more than that. Before you renew you have to get rid of your baggage, through meditation, prayer, fellowship and sharing. For the first time in my life, and I was forty-six years old, I realized that I wasn’t alone anymore. I wasn’t the only woman who felt certain she’d messed her life up beyond repair. I wasn’t the only woman struggling to overcome the effects of a difficult childhood and my own bad choices.  I wasn’t the only woman who felt that, in a world of normal people, she was the odd duck, the problem child, the one who didn’t belong.  I realized that it was okay, God still wanted to use me.

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